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The genre of fashion photography is usually based on the clothes the models are wearing, but they are sometimes focused on the way they are positioned.


I like photo 1 because it is a simple photo of 2 women, but it is very effective, even though they aren't doing anything or wearing anything extravagant, the make-up and white background make the photo look professional and clean


Fashion photography is usually used to promote a clothing line or show people the latest fashion. 


It is taken using a mixture of natural and artificial lighting as most of the pictures are taken in a studio using soft box lights but there are a lot of photographers, for example Lise Sarfati, that use natural lighting. This can change the look of the photo completely because in a studio, you can control the amount of exposure and the intensity of the light, whereas if the photos are being taken outside, you cannot control the amount of exposure or the intensity of the light as you are depending on the light given from the sun. Also, if you are taking the photos outside, the weather can change the mood and atmosphere of the picture. For example, if it's sunny, the photo will give off a happy, warm mood and atmosphere, but if it was cloudy and close to raining, the photo will give off a more moody and dull atmosphere.

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John Rankin Waddell, a.k.a Rankin, is a british fashion photographer.
Rankin in one of the most famous fashion photographers and a lot of his shots are different and of famous people.


Rankin has worked with many celebrities such as model Cara Delevigne, singer Rita Ora and actress Emma Watson.

His work varies in colour, some of it is black and white, and some of it is full of colour.


A lot of Rankin's photos have artifical, high-key lighting and they al look like they're shot in a studio. This will be to make the photos look clean and professional.



You can find fashion photography almost everywhere you look. Some examples of places it's found are:-

- Magazines and Newspapers

- Shop Windows

- Bus Stops / Buses

- Billboards

- Blogs

- Online Shopping - boohoo

                                - drop dead

                                - ASOS

                                - EBay

- Online Newspapers / Magazines

- Art Exhibitions

- Social Media

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