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To create this, we are simulating a high ISO using filters and layers on Photoshop.

This is a photo shot by Anton Corbijn of U2. There is the grainy effect on this picture and he acheived this by using high speed camera film. This gives the grainy effect because the film is very sensitive to light and because it is working harder to let more light to it so it gives off the grainy effect.

This is another photo shot by Anton Corbijn and is shot on the same type on camera film as the U2 picture, giving it the same grainy effect as it.

I started with a basic photo of a model that I got off google and dragged it into photoshop to begin editing it.

I added a new layer on top of my photo and went to edit > fill.

I selected '50% grey' then pressed okay

This is what it looked like

I then reduced the opacity and went to filter > noise > add noise

Next, I decided how much noise I felt would be appropriate and previewed it on my image then pressed 'OK' when I'd got the desired amount of noise.
We did this to give the image a more older feel.

After this, I had to turn the image back into colour so I'd be able to colour over it and make it colourful instead of just black and white.

We were replicating an old photographic technique in which the image would be shot in black and white and then hand painted as the technology wasn't developed enough to be able to shoot in colour.

I decided that instead of finding a realistic looking skin tone, I'd use colours that aren't anything like what they should be. I coloured the subject's face blue, his hair green and his top red, each in different layers named what they were (e.g. HAIR for the hair) so they didn't get confusing, reducing the opacity so you could still see the actul image through the colour.

Next, I coloured the background yellow to make the subject stand out more and I coloured his eyes in purple.

This is a hand painted portrait of a German soldier from 1903. This picture will have been hand painted because the original image wouldn't've been in colour so to add some colour, they had to hand paint the images.
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